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Lower back pain

Discussion in 'Medical' started by Rahul Taware, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Rahul Taware

    Rahul Taware New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Hello there,
    Here we will discuss problems related to lower back pain. As you know many people are there who have this problem and do not find a good solution, most of the times reasons are unknown. Last year my mother was suffering due to this problem. She had herniated disk in her lower back. She suffered a lot because of this. I saw her suffering and I don't want anyone to suffer that much.

    Most of the times disk herniation happens to older people or those who travel a lot. It happens in lower back, in my mother's case there was disc herniation happened between L4-L5 vertebrae. Here discs are kind of cushions which works like shock absorbers. Disc contains some fluid, when it gets damaged that fluid comes out and touches to sciatic nerve which are present there. This damage to disc cause very high pain in either left or right leg. This pain is unbearable. Many people who are suffering from this problem don't exactly know what is the problem until they meet a Neurosurgeon or Orthopedic Doctor. You have to do a M.R.I scan to diagnose this problem. I said here problem because it is mechanical problem not a disease. There are many methods to cure it once diagnosed, but the diagnosis is very important. I have written this just because people avoid these tests and try different medication without diagnosis which do not help them.
    Let me know if you have the same problem, so if I can try to help you.

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