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Major Disadvantages of Using the Internet in Our daily Lives.

Discussion in 'Computers' started by Malomo okiki, May 19, 2018.

  1. Malomo okiki

    Malomo okiki New Member

    May 15, 2018
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    The net is said to be the boom to the technology world. Today, it has influenced us a whole lot that we cannot imagine presence without the internet. Get it your children or the adults, all spend their half of the day on the internet by using it for work or as a source of entertainment.

    But, as every coin has two sides, the internet has its negative side. Persons today have become so addictive online that it has started to show its negative impact.

    Several of the major down sides of the internet are given below.

    1. Wastage of time

    It has now end up being the major source of wasting time. Be it children by sacrificing their studies or the employees using it during the office hours as the mode of entertainment, it has influenced everyone to hinder their work. People get distracted , nor realize that by the name of a short rest, they conclude wasting their whole hour for which they may have used to do something more productive.

    2. Zero physical activity

    By sitting in front of the displays and surfing the internet while binging the food makes you obese. The use of the internet has reduced the physical activity to zero level. Instead of going away for a walk to get fresh air, people go over the interpersonal platforms, play online video games and deteriorate their health.

    3. Other medical problems

    Besides getting obese and gaining weight, there are several other illness people are receiving vulnerable to due to internet.

    A single of the main implications of it is on the weakening of the eyesight. By spending time and effort in front of the screens, one gets their effect on the vision muscles.
    People also get back aches while sitting down on the chair for hours.
    The effect can be seen in the sleeping peacefully disorders. Utilizing the internet even on the mobile phones just before heading to sleep may affect you in a great way.

    4. Cybercrime

    Cybercrime has also got pace with the growing tech environment. With access to great of men and women and their information, there is also a fear of getting hacked or even wrong use of the knowledge can happen.

    Even when you pay the bills using money and credit cards, the main risk is with them. Someone can steal all the information by getting it all on a fake site.

    5. Being of Solitude

    With the internet usage, the real time meetings of family have reduced by a great level. There are no big gatherings and incidents that used to take place earlier. The internet has shrunken the world by a large amount. Though you get to talk to the individuals who are far away from you, it has disconnected you from the real-life connections.

    Also, by looking at the blogposts of your buddies on public networking platforms, there comes a feeling of dejection and jealousy. People get depressed by some other peoples success.

    Therefore, by looking at the huge benefits, one must limit its use and put it to use as a bane while not changing to bane.
  2. Gibson

    Gibson New Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Those are some really good points you have raised there Malomo Okiki. I will try to touch on some of the dissadvanteges of using the internet on this day and age on our brains.
    According to a survey, Indians with access to cell phones and internet connection spend more than 200 minutes on the internet daily. That is roughly equivalent to more than 50 days in a year and that is not all. Another report shows that 51% of people glance at their phones every 10 minutes without even being prompted.
    Today, we suffer from Nomophobia which is a fear of losing or being without one's phone. We need our phones from the moment we wake up. The private moments which we earlier utilized in introspection, observing and thinking, have now been replaced by our mobile phones through which we are constantly exposed to the world and this is a behavioral change on a mass level.
    The human mind has a quality of what neurobiologist call neuroplasticity, which means that it constantly rewires itself throughout an individual's life. When given certain commands consistently, the mind makes it the bio-default command. Consider driving home, you have done it so many times that you don't need to navigate consciously anymore.
    In this context, in what ways is our mind re-wiring if we are giving it consistent commands every ten minutes to get online? What are we training it for? Are we headed in a direction leading to the expansion of our minds or are we headed the other way? In short, how is the internet affecting the way we think and act?
    In a book called 'A History Of Communications' by Marshall T. Poe, the author writes that, "You don't so much look things up on the internet as just look at things"
    Every link acts as a distraction to promote cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking and superficial learning. This kind of pick-ish consumption of data has a serious psychological consequence. Our brains stores the immediate information, thoughts and sensation as short term memories which is responsible for the transfer of information to long term memory. This analyzes and converts information into knowledge and opinions. This knowledge becomes the basis of the decisions that you make.
    What happens to this knowledge formation process when the brain is constantly subjected to a continuous flow of information while using the internet? Experiments indicate that as we reach the limits of our working memory, it becomes harder to distinguish relevant information from irrelevant information. This means that we have now become mindless consumers of data.
    Maybe this is why we enter into a state of mental stupor, where we keep scrolling through our feed unable to think, unable to focus and unable to stop. We are only able to react to the simplest audiovisual qeeus that hardly require us to think. Our minds undergo atrocious act of masochism every ten minutes. The consequences therefore are reducing attention span, tendency to get bored easily and reducing analytical abilities. Using the internet carelessly can and has made our minds softer which leave us with an important question. With our guards down, what kind of content trespasses the boundaries of our rationality and how do our perception regarding our own political, religious, sexual and personal identity get shaped?
  3. Vosti wesh

    Vosti wesh New Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    I strongly disagree with the point of time wasting. In today's society, it is a form of investment. Most of the business. today run through online schedules and that is how they get their income. Internet, when used in the right manner, can't be considered as time wasting. Through to the advanced technology, there are cases where some sites are blocked and cant be accessed therefore preventing people from wasting time. This applies to both students and working-class people.

    There are several disadvantages that come in hand with the technology. there are some sites that are accessible by the young generation hereby affecting their moral life. Also, the internet has interfered with creative thinking because the internet is used as a referral center even to simple tasks therefore entertaining laziness.
  4. Alphids

    Alphids New Member

    Jan 19, 2019
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    I totally agreed that everything has to sides; the pro's and the con's. However, despite the many cons that internet has brought to our lives I believe the pro's supersede the con's. The use of internet has greatly acknowledge the evils that come with it such as identity theft, illegal business funding through cyptocurrencies, loss of privacy, indecent exposure of children to unpalatable information among many others that make some people detest it. But on the other side, it has help a lot in such areas as the dissemination of information; education, ease of communication, ease of financial transactions and many others which are positives to our lives.

    So, I prefer living with the internet that not having it. The disadvantages are just a few dirty drops of water in the sea that cannot entirely demonize internet. What you need to do is to use your due diligence in its use.
  5. Yakubu Ibrahim

    Yakubu Ibrahim New Member

    Jan 30, 2019
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    I am going to support '' Vosti Wesh’’ by going to the advantage side of the internet. Yes we all believe that every coin has two faces, but we always have to consider the most dominant face.

    In the first place, internet has made it possible for us to communicate to any person in any part of the globe trough email, social media and even full HD Video calls.

    Secondly, with the help of internet, you can find a lot E-books online, youtube and many online causes which all help in the learning of students.

    Thirdly, it has also make transaction and employment very simple for us. As you can see, one can be working for somebody at any part of the globe online and getting paid trough online again.

    Last but not the least; internet has also helped us in the field of current affairs, as you can now just get the trending news at every corner of the net.
  6. Marius Dan

    Marius Dan New Member

    Jan 27, 2019
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    Before the internet came into existence to communicate with someone who was not in the same room with you, you had to call him or send him a letter. With the introduction of the Internet, we now have the ability to send and receive emails - practically instantly and without the need for a post office.

    Unfortunately, this ability has also created a means for cyber criminals to distribute spam and malware. The key to online security is to think about before clicking on a link.

    With the internet came the convenience of shopping online. In addition, the internet has facilitated people's access to price comparisons between different online merchants and the ability to choose the best deals.

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