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No Child Left Behind

Discussion in 'Education' started by Tranesa Bradley, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Tranesa Bradley

    Tranesa Bradley New Member

    Aug 20, 2017
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    Education is very important. Especially the way technology is growing on a daily basis. I truly do think that our children should be taught on levels of the rapid growth of the technology that we use instead of the modern day teachings that does not equipt them to face the technological world.
  2. Paufa

    Paufa New Member

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Personally, I despise the "No Child Left Behind" policy. It forces our teachers to focus on only one end of the spectrum. Is it truly worth it to leave no child behind if we are not able to attend to the needs of other high-achieving students? This would mean that we are potentially pouring our resources into making struggling kids average rather than enriching the minds of our future leaders. Potentially, there could be another Stephen Hawking sitting in a classroom somewhere, completely bored out of his mind because he has to wait for the teacher to explain the same concept for the fifth time. Our children should not be punished for being smart.
  3. Wikdfury

    Wikdfury New Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Teachers spend more time giving tests than teaching concepts with no child left behind. The testing booklets are not available to review and there's many poor reviews of answers that were incorrect or questions that made no sense, yet we can't check those because the tests are all confidential with strict penalty for breaking this rule. The ones who really benefit from no child left behind are the test makers profiting from the sale of treating booklets.
  4. Bebak12

    Bebak12 New Member

    Aug 22, 2018
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    Most of the people consider that "No Child Left Behind" concept force child to learn unnecessary knowledge which is no use in a life or a hypocrite concept. This concept of education is an old and many loopholes but we should not only consider our place. There is a place where this type of education is effectively due to their environment. In the poor nation or an even in a small country is an effect on the literacy rate of the whole country.
  5. Toribellb

    Toribellb New Member

    Aug 28, 2018
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    As far I’m concerned the “No Child Left Behind” is hurting the entire intellectual spectrum of children. The children who learn easily and quickly are forced to sit there and listen to the same thing for hours or sometimes days at a time. This caused them to have no motivation to do school work, which leads to lower grades. Why would you do the work if you’re going to pass anyway? It also hurts the slower learning kids because they’re being passed without ever really learning the material, then when they get into higher levels of education they are completely lost. I remember when I was in 5th grade there was a girl in my class who missed an entire month of school, never made up a single assignment, and still managed to pass. It was ridiculous.
  6. Tyi

    Tyi Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    I definitely agree with all of the above posts. I too feel that the "No Child Left Behind" policy is doing more harm than good. I recently went to visit my granddaughter's elementary school for "Grand Parents Day". My heart really goes out to the teachers who work hard to teach our children. I feel that the public school system is nothing more than free childcare. It is true that the children who really want to learn oftentimes get put on the back burner because the teacher spend most of his/her time correcting the unruly behavior of undisciplined children or those with special needs. As was the case when I went for a visit.

    I am all for main streaming children. Children with special needs whether physical, mental, emotional or psychological should be able to attend school together. However, I also feel that there should be separate "study halls" in place where they can go to get extra help with their lessons.

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