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Reasons why music is good for health

Discussion in 'Music' started by cliff, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. cliff

    cliff New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Music has been part of human kind since creation.No one knows how it all started but we all love music.Music has been used to communicate,express feeling , desires,entertain and calm our moods.

    Some of the benefits of music to our health are;
    1. Teaching children music at early ages improves their verbal,social skills,visual and communication skills.
    2. Music helps keep the brain health as it ages.This is because it leads to mental sharpness and good memory skills.
    3. Music makes us happy.By being happy,we will live a stress free life.This saves us from ulcers and unnecessary worries.This also helps to relieve us from depression and anxiety.

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