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Rewatchd Mad Max Fury Road after a couple of years and I'm blown away by how amazing the world-build

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by rhems091, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. rhems091

    rhems091 New Member

    Feb 2, 2019
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    When people praise fury road, it's typically, and rightfully, for the mind-blowing action sequences and the women-driven narrative. However, one thing that I feel like gets lost in the shuffle sometimes is just how fantastic and dense the universe created in the movie is. What's really impressive to me is that how pretty much all of it is done without any exposition whatsoever and just through snippets of dialog and visual storytelling. Just within the first 20 minutes we find out the following:

    • Water is seen as bad and is used as a means of control

    • The war boys need blood to survive and use human stragglers as "top ups"

    • Worshipping chrome and metal and automotive carnage

    • The warlords having elite soldiers for their gasoline runs, i.e. the imperators

    • The various different "tribes" in the desert and all of them having different specialties in terms of vehicle warfare

    • Different settlements providing gasoline and bullets
    This is just a few of the storytelling beats you get without any narration or characters explaining things to each other. There are other little moments scattered throughout too. I watched the movie when it came out but watching it now again it really made me appreciate the work that went in creating this experience, even beyond that of a visceral, action-based one.

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