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Shall all Christian receive the same reward in heaven

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality' started by Poselina, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. Poselina

    Poselina New Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    With my observations as a Christian I have seen some Christian truly committed to their call. If its humility they show it all the time. Helping others and geneeously giving to their needs is their delight.If you are looking for faithful and loving people its them.

    On the other hand we have others who have been on a mission to hurt others and drag them behind.While others have chosen to be neither hot nor cold. They hurt no one but do nothing in the kingdom of God.

    However all those people claim and believe they are going to heaven. So I wonder will they all receive rewards equally even when some were better than others?let me hear your opinion.

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