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Success is not easy

Discussion in 'News' started by mark, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. mark

    mark New Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    If achieving goals were easy, everyone would do it without difficulty”. I couldn’t forget these phrases from my mentor at work. Recently, I've realized that anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way and you've got to have that drive and determination to overcome those hindrances on route to whatever it is that you want to accomplish. I may stumble and cry thinking that I couldn’t make it, but the bliss and success it gives is undeniably beyond priceless.
  2. Caroline Itobi

    Caroline Itobi New Member

    Sep 27, 2018
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    Success is indeed not as easy as we would like it to be.In a layman`s language,it is said that struggling is the real meaning of life.Victory and defeat are in the hands of struggling and one must enjoy in it.I never see those who have not toiled to gain their wealth as successful.I am completely in support of handwork when it comes to success.I highly regard those who have spent sleepless nights to earn their living ,and to me they are the true definition of success as they understand life better than those who have just inherited wealth from somewhere else.

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