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To O.B.E or not to O.B.E? Astral projection, out-of-body experiences, shamanic journeying discussion

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality' started by missHypnotist, Dec 19, 2021.

  1. missHypnotist

    missHypnotist New Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    San Diego, California
    Astral projection/travel, out-of-body experiences, shamanic journeying, and spirit walking, this phenomenon has gone by a multitude of different names for as long as documented history in every country and culture across the globe. But what is it, precisely? I don’t presume to be capable of answering this profound, age-old question here in this simple post, but I would like to share my own experience, and perhaps get some input from others in the community about their experiences and/or opinions.

    According to Wikipedia, the predominant difference between astral projection and an out-of-body experience is predetermined intention. An out-of-body experience is a spontaneous phenomenon that usually occurs during traumatic or life-threatening situations. Astral projection, or astral travel, is the act of purposefully disconnecting your astral body from your spirit body to travel to a destination of your choosing, including other planets and dimensions, according to some practitioners.

    My first spontaneous out-of-body experience occurred following a severe suicide attempt at the age of 15. After an indeterminable period of only weightless darkness, I remember a buzzing or humming sound, very much like the buzzing of a beehive. It was incredibly peaceful and pleasant, yet impossible to tell how long it actually lasted, as time seemed to no longer be relevant. How difficult it is to describe a spiritual experience with physical words… I seemed to be myself still, yet I had no body of physical mass to speak of. When the darkness abated a bit, and my vision returned, my surroundings were hazy and tinted a rich shade of azure. I could hear the sound of voices, but it was as if either they or I were underwater. I recall wondering if I could walk without having legs, and then as quickly as it began, it was over and everything was black again.

    Later I learned from the doctors that I had been “code blue” for almost a full minute before my heart started to beat once more, and my lungs to breathe. When I told them of my experience, they nodded their heads and informed me that many people have reported similar experiences whilst visiting on death’s door. I was amazed at the casual manner in which they spoke of what seemed to me like such a profound experience.

    Today, 15 years after that initial spirit trip, I have become borderline obsessed with esoteric research and spiritual or metaphysical phenomenon. Having practiced the spiritual path of Shamanism for several years now, I have become familiar with the art of “journeying”, where one intentionally leaves their physical body to visit the spirit or astral realm. Skeptics say that these experiences are simply figments of people’s imaginations and that it’s “all in your head”. I say, just because it is imagined in my mind, why can it still not be real? Every single thing around us today, the computer on which I am typing right now, the internet we all use every day, was once alive only in somebody’s imagination, yet there is no denying that these things are very much real.

    Discussion questions:

    Have you ever personally experienced astral projection, or known of someone who has? If so, what was it like for you, and what is your take on the whole thing? Thank you for taking the time to stop by and virtually visit with me, I look forward to reading your opinions and stories.

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