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Which do you prefer, all-in-one touch screen computer or the old style laptop?

Discussion in 'Computers' started by JM5FW, Feb 18, 2019.


Which do you prefer, all-in-one touch screen computer or the old style laptop?

  1. The All-in-one

    1 vote(s)
  2. Old style laptop

    0 vote(s)
  1. JM5FW

    JM5FW New Member

    Feb 18, 2019
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    Technology is dynamic and we have to adapt to the advancement. I have come to appreciate the all-in-one type of touch screen computer for three major reasons:

    1. The keyboard is hardy and easy to use on a desk like any other laptop computer

    2. I can disconnect the screen whenever its convenient and use it as a tablet.

    3. It comes with two batteries that really help to conserve power.

      How about you?

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