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Who still watches Doctor Who?

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by rollinder, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. rollinder

    rollinder New Member

    Dec 12, 2018
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    I used to be a massive fan of Doctor Who, both classic (20th century 60s-80s series) and 'New' (2005 reboot to now), but lost interest somewhere during Matt Smith's era. The plot arc got too complicated, I missed some episodes and had no idea what was going on and then just couldn't get back into it. It's a shame because I've missed out on Peter Capaldi and he was wonderful in fantasy / semi fantasy series in the 90s (Neverwhere & The Crow Road).

    I don't have a problem with The Doctor being a woman now and I've seen bits of the current series and it's felt like proper Doctor Who but I've seen criticism of some episodes having really bad writing. If you've seen it do you think that's true or it's people judging the programme harsher because they don't like change?

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