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Whose your best singer in 2018

Discussion in 'Art' started by Elighta, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Elighta

    Elighta New Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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    Dimash is by far the best singer of 2018, with unmatched range and clarity in his voice. His vocals are brilliant and he is an incredible interpreter of music.
    A handsome singer from Kazakhstan with a voice that is out of this world. He is very gracious and humble and has a vocal capability that you cannot believe (vocal range 6 octaves). There is no one else like Dimash.
    Undoubtedly, Dimash has the best voice in the world at present. His range is unequalled, his transitions between notes seamless, the purity of his voice is superb, and his neoclassical style is unique! Nobody can equal him. On saying this, I acknowledge the great singers he's competing against.
    Whose you're best singer in 2018.

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