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Why do we judge athletes so harshly???

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Gary Coleman, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Gary Coleman

    Gary Coleman New Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    After Kevin Durant departed the Oklahoma City Thunder for the Golden State Warriors, the Internet went crazy. As in recent big superstar basketball player trades, Kevin Durant recieved tremendous slander. Why? The NBA, MLB, and NFL are all businesses before they are sports organizations. Why are we not as happy for athletes when they do something to benefit their career like we are when someone we know gets a better job or promotion???
  2. Veronica

    Veronica New Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    People who are quick to judge athletes, are those people who laze around doing absolutely nothing of their lives. People like that are very quick to spread rumours on social media.

    Gossip columnist on the other hand are core activators of judgements against athletes. You know what ! I personally say if someone thinks the atlhetes that was representing their country has done bad. Let that person go and see what they will do. They will most likely never come close to what that athlete has done.

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