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Why do you do anything?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by grimes77, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. grimes77

    grimes77 New Member

    Sep 7, 2017
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    What do you think about the fact that you didn't ask to come here? If you could go to before the time you were born and had a choice to live or not knowing what your life would be, would you still do it again? I'm not so sure I would. We have to be aware of every little thing around us, because any one of those things might kill us. Then, if it does, we have to experience that. I am glad I never had kids, I wouldn't have wanted them to have to experience all the horror that comes with life. I personally think people choose to ignore it but deep down they know that the entire thing is a freak show.

    So, how was your day? lol.

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