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You have a Talent 2

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by blezzino, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. blezzino

    blezzino New Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    36. When you know what your talents are, you feel more in tune with your life.
    37. The sun shines brighter, jerks are less jerky, and all is well with the world because you’re on track. You have a purpose.
    38. Add a vision and a plan to your talent and you can also use those talents to excel in the business world. Whether you leverage those talents in your product or service,
    39. Or you use them to network and make quality connections, it’s important to know what your talents are. When you capitalize on your talents,
    40. It no longer feels like work, it just feels like living. And anything that makes business and life more enjoyable is bound to be a good thing!
    41. Never give up, even if you fail!
    42. Three C's in life.....Take a "Chance" to make a "Choice" to bring a "Change" in your life.
    43. Be patient, too. It can take a lot of time and many false starts to find out what you're best at.
    44. Be open-minded about what your talent might be. It may not be quite what you expect.
    45. Try doing many different things and reading about many more. If something doesn't resonate, move on; if it does, explore it more deeply
    46. Become the best of you!
    47. Remember talent remains it its deposited state by the creator until its activated
    48. Discover and get your talent activated today. I dare you to take a bold step
    49. Remember one of life tragedy is talent undiscovered
    50. Books not written, innovation not made, words not spoken, designs not made et al
    51. You are power than who you think you are ACTIVATE you TALENT NOW!!!

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