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Better Late Then Never

Discussion in 'Education' started by Robin j Finch, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. Robin j Finch

    Robin j Finch New Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I have recently gone back to school and I'm very glad that I did. I find that I'm taking more of an interest in my subjects and classes. I have found out that I have a knack for writing. In my earlier days I alway seemed to pick classes that were too difficult for me and I would become frustrated and either drop them or fail them. Back then, I feel like I didn't have a good handle on what I wanted to do and compared to today, I have more confidence and knowledge about how the world works. Even though I'm an older student, I believe that I can contribute in the work force and find a place that I can grow.

    I very happy to be learning again.

    Robin j Finch
  2. Mr Amugune

    Mr Amugune New Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Thats great...just like wine grows sweeter with age, understanding does the same. You are know self aware than before and I believe your will gain more. Keep on reading...we only stop to learn when we rest in peace

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