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Body art

Discussion in 'Art' started by bree, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. bree

    bree New Member

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Body art like tattoos and piercings are one way to express yourself and your creativity. I always put hours of time into choosing my new body art and making sure that it fits my personality and personal style. You can show your artsy side with special designs to honor family members, things you love, or simply something you like. I have four tattoos and eight piercings. Do you have any? Do you consider them art, and take lots of time deciding?
    vinsenspy likes this.
  2. Keibah

    Keibah New Member

    Sep 8, 2017
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    I would like to think that tattoos and piercings are art though I don't have any tattoos and I'm not looking forward to, I have three piercings in each ear.

    I pretty much love to see simple tattoos here and there on people that have significant meanings not the bizarre meaningless types all over the body but then again they might mean something.

    I don't practice tattooing. The only form of body art I do is the henna decoration practiced across Arabia, Asia, and Africa. Most of the time they mean nothing but are just beautiful illustrations of designs and patterns which fade away with time.
  3. vinsenspy

    vinsenspy New Member

    Sep 14, 2017
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    I've never had any of these body arts you've mentioned and I don't think I ever am going to get them on my skin. I have nothing against somebody with tattoos and piercings on their bodies. It's just that I am not really grown with people who view them as an art.

    I believe that everyone is born with choices and no one (including me) should despise someone just because they choose to put artwork on their body. I actually think that those people getting tattooed and pierced have a very strong personality and confidence because they are not afraid of being judged. These people are pretty fine and unique in their own way, that's all I can say. But what I dislike about this body art is when people don't get satisfied enough and they get even more like what they call "subdermal implants" wherein something is being placed underneath the skin. I don't think that looks cool because it involves actual surgery. I'm sorry to say but I find it destructive, gross and health risky. I honestly don't like it but if someone likes it and that’s what makes them feel good , that's all that MATTERS.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017

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