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Don't just say "Thank you"

Discussion in 'Posting Tips' started by Aree Wongwanlee, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. Aree Wongwanlee

    Aree Wongwanlee New Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Consider this scenario.

    You post a picture of yourself. Someone responds by saying that you look great in your picture. You reply by saying "Thank you". What's next? Does the other person respond by saying "Thank you, too"? And you reply by saying "Thank you, three"?

    See where I am going?

    Just saying "Thank you" is a very good way to bring a conversation to a stop. That's not good for a forum. What you want to do in a forum is to encourage more conversation. So you should post something that keeps the conversation going.

    Perhaps, you can respond with "Thank you. However, do you think I would look better if I had put on pink lipstick?". That certainly opens the way to many different responses, especially if you are a male with a beard. How would you respond to that?

    Your turn.
    sarasnake99 and st30pHen like this.
  2. st30pHen

    st30pHen New Member

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Nice point. Now I will try to use my brain on how to make the conversation last longer than just by saying Thank you.
  3. ade18

    ade18 New Member

    Nov 6, 2016
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    Manchester, UK
    I think it's just weird if I'm being honest with you. You can say "Thank You" and still continue with the conversation, who says that you should stop. You say "Thank You" then I say "You're Welcome" and then you can add on whatever you want to keep the conversation going. "Do you want to know how I did this or how I got such and such...?" , you know, that kind of thing. It really is that simple. At least, that's how I grew up doing it with the people around was basically them, not me.
  4. AnnieOakley

    AnnieOakley New Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    Well, @Aree Wongwanlee, I guess what I would say to that is if you really wanted to go for pink lipstick, it would be a good idea to choose the proper shade of pink. A pinkish beige would suit your eyes, skin tone and grey hair better than most pinks. This softer tone of a pinkish beige lipstick would also make your lips look fuller. A light soft plum might also work very well, especially if you added a slightly warm tinted moisturizer to your face.

    If you would like to play around with some lipstick ideas, is a great site for doing so. Just upload a photo and you can experiment not only with lipstick but hair and other make-up ideas. When you are finished making yourself over, the new you can be saved and downloaded to your device. Makeover photos make for great shares on Facebook and other social media. Why not give it a try and see what you think? :p

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