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Education for money or knowledge?

Discussion in 'Education' started by azeem sahab, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. azeem sahab

    azeem sahab New Member

    Jun 15, 2017
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    I think the main purpose of education should be the knowledge. It makes a difference between a human and an animal. Education tells us how to live our lives and how to solve the problems that we are going to face in our practical lives. It let us differentiate between good and bad things. People are serving their fellow human being by the knowledge they gain. We have great examples of doctors and engineers who are serving the world by their profession. It is all because of education. Education is not important to earn money but it important to know the things going around us.

    What is your opinion about it?
  2. James Fielder

    James Fielder New Member

    Jun 15, 2017
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    There is no point wasting any time in deciding that knowledge indeed is more powerful that money. This may sound a cliché but this is true. Besides, if we think most philosophically then its is knowledge that enables us to be aware of the importance, or even the need of money. Then there is an old adage that goes like: What would happen if a person with lots of money would meet with a person with a lot of experience? The answer is, in the end the one with experience will have the money the one with money experience.

    I give you two imaginary situations to exemplify my point. First, let us suppose you gave two people equal amount of money, one of them ignorant of the proper ways to use it, and the other quite adept at these matters. Then it is obvious to common sense that the one with the knowledge and experience will make the best of the opportunity at hand, the one with little knowledge is more likely to might lose his money very quickly.

    Then, on the other hand, if two people with equal level of knowledge and experience were given different amounts of money then the both being aware of their limits would be more likely to spend whatever they have most wisely and judiciously. I personally would like to know first of all as where money to be found.

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