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Has being a gamer actually helped you somehow in your life besides having fun?

Discussion in 'Games' started by Glinary, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. Glinary

    Glinary New Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I know it's a bit weird to say this, but what's increased my vocabulary as a child actually has got something to do with my hobby of playing different online games where I get to interact with a bunch of people. Even by just paying attention to the collectibles in the game actually saved me some points for my spelling test. I really just don't get people who think games are all for providing addiction and killing your personal lives. It just makes me feel weird because games became a learning tool for me since childhood.

    How about you guys? Can you tell me an experience of how gaming has actually helped you?
  2. gjgcint

    gjgcint New Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I must say because of video games I can say that it made me a better person. Most RPGs in the 90's puts emphasis on the story. All the main characters from these games have high morals standards. So I grew up always thinking that you must be always the good guy. I am lucky that I did not get a Messiah Complex. Just Kidding :)

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