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How do you deal with a two year old?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Rozlyn Waganda, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Rozlyn Waganda

    Rozlyn Waganda New Member

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Nairobi, Kenya
    Every child is different; some children are more sensitive while others easy-going.

    Toddlers are supposed to have tantrums. Your goal at this stage should not be to stop your child's tantrum but rather to guide your child through them and to minimise the situations that might elicit a tantrum.

    Dealing with a two year old is a very difficult part of childrearing and that is why they are called the, "terrible two."

    We should always try to be understanding and show them that you are actually on their side instead of being part of the problem. Try not to get angry even if you feel embarrassed in public. Be kind but firm when trying to make them do something.

    Reinforce good behaviour: Try not to pay attention to them only when they are misbehaving but also praise them when you see them doing something good.

    Shouting at them or shaming them may only produce more negative behaviour and they may end up doing the same as well.

    We should always teach by example. speak calmly, clearly and firmly. Avoid anger, blame or threats.

    Time-outs can also be used at this stage if nothing else works. We should always use it more often as a way of calming them down and get them under control.

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