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How to incorporate exercise in your daily routine

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by benamutuka, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. benamutuka

    benamutuka New Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Everyone wants to be fit but tend to forget that fitness comes with continuous body exercises .No matter how busy your daily schedule is, you can always sneak in some exercise.
    You can cycle to work or walk instead of taking a bus. When you are waiting on a que you can march on the spot, stretch and move as much as possible.
    While watching television try doing sit-ups especially when commercials come on air. You could also opt to use Stair case instead of the elevator or lift.
    Try and incorporate one or more exercises in activities you engage in daily to ensure you stay fit.
  2. kije

    kije New Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    First of all, I’m going to start off by saying that I’m still trying to incorporate exercise into my daily routine and that this is something I’ve been struggling with my entire life. You see, it’s quite tricky: When I vow that I will work out in the morning, I quickly change my mind when my alarm wails an hour earlier than usual. After work I’d much prefer grabbing dinner and drinks with a friend or catching up on TV shows in the comfort of my bed than sweating on the elliptical.
    Here are 5 easy exercise tips:
    1. Do you have stairs in your building? Then take the stairs.
    2. Go on a walk to break up your work day.
    3. Speaking of friends, get a gym buddy.
    4. Find a fun alternative to working out on the treadmill.
    5. Set realistic goals.

    Of course it’s easy to say what needs to be done but the hard part is to actually do it. Well, I know what I need to do, I’m saying it and now I’m going to do it. You can too!

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