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Modest Proposal : Use Computer Technology to Link Needs of Employer, Unemployed

Discussion in 'Computers' started by waledkamal, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. waledkamal

    waledkamal New Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    There is a tremendous jobless situation in this country, especially in California and particularly in Los Angeles. It is very difficult for an unemployed engineer to find a job today. If he looks in the newspaper, there are very few advertisements for engineers. I suggest that a "data bank" be established to link employers who want to hire people with particular skills to jobless people with those skills.

    With the data bank concept, an individual would have his experience, education and what he is good at--such as aerodynamics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, accounting, law, acting, typing, managerial, computer proficiency, etc.-- entered into a computer. The jobless person would list companies he has worked for in the past five, 10, 20 or 30 years as the case may be.

    The data bank concept would marry the employer's needs to the jobless person's skills. For example, an employer needs an engineer with capability in aerodynamics, structures and computers, as well as a broad background in physics. He calls the data bank and gets a list individuals who satisfy his requirements along with their telephone numbers and addresses.

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