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What is your stance on social media?

Discussion in 'Internet' started by Janeenp272, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Janeenp272

    Janeenp272 New Member

    Jun 13, 2017
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    I believe that social media can be both damaging and helpful. If you are trying to grow a business or find a way to communicate with friends then it could be beneficial. On the other hand, social media has been proven to be harmful. Kids my age are using it to bully and harass others and to bring their peers down. Lots of other negative things have derived from social media as well and a lot of arguments formed over social media. What is your opinion on this?o_O
  2. EmS6

    EmS6 New Member

    Jun 22, 2017
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    I completely agree it is both useful and harmful. There is a lot of negativity on social media, not only with people bullying others. It takes a harsher turn with even crimes being broadcasted live on some of these platforms. On another hand, it helps us keep informed. I personally stay more current with social media like Twitter than my local news. But I think a big long-term effect will be on our social interaction.

    I think it's making us less soacial on a personal level. Less people actually have a conversation in public places, instead they are glued to their phone. My stance is that social media is good in moderation. We certainly can't take advantage of the anonimity being online provides to attack others.

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