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Error with Joining / Adding my Forum

Discussion in 'General Support' started by XeroXipher, Mar 27, 2022.

  1. XeroXipher

    XeroXipher New Member

    Mar 27, 2022
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    Hello Admins...
    So I have an issue with my account that is kind of hard to explain...
    First of all, I am not creating an account to make money, I am creating an account to collect posters.
    I registered on the main page for Forum Admins and it said to confirm my email address, but no email came.
    I went to the Gateway to see if that would have anything, but once I tried to login there, I had to create an account again, so I did (which is the same email as the mainpage), but I didn't post there because I think this belongs in Support...
    And then, when I got to Support, it asked me to create an account again, so I did and once again it was the same account as the other two...

    This is where it gets weird.
    The Main Platform didn't send me an email, but the other two did.
    It says I registered 3 hours ago but I literally registered 20 minutes ago.

    At the Moment, if I click every link in the Menu:
    Home brings me back to the page I registered on.
    Forums shows some Forums to Post on, but mostly in New Section.
    Members works properly and shows all of the Members and Points.
    Store works properly.

    Basically everything leading up to My Dashboard works.
    Once I'm on My Dashboard, I can't change my Profile Picture and I can't submit my own Forums site.
    I found a place on Forum Wheel that told me Click here to submit your Forums but it said Access Denied when I clicked on it...

    So, to be clear, I would like to get my Forums onto Forum Wheel if possible.
  2. dfarmer2001

    dfarmer2001 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Hello. Unfortunately, the owner of The Forum Wheel hasn't been active in a long time. I would recommend disputing the charges to get your money back.

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