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Writers please learn to be Resourceful, Flexible and responsible

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Fergus, Oct 26, 2019.

  1. Fergus

    Fergus Member Administrator

    May 11, 2015
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    Resourcefulness and Flexibility had been a trait many writers here are currently lacking. I want to tell everyone to learn how to be flexible and resourceful so you can encourage Forum owners to renew again. In fact it will be part of the qualifications I will check for new applicants. I will give assignments to applicants to see if they can handle the pressure of posting and researching about a topic they are not familiar with.

    I notice disturbing patterns of many members who just drain the points of the forum by concentrating on the general off topic area instead of the essential sections.

    When Forumwheel use to have a Forum about Television, I watched some of the television shows on the subforum sections of that community so I wont look like a pretender who is clueless on what he is talking about. I remember the tragic posts of many members who doesnt know the names and even genders of the characters. I am not a fan of those shows but I watched the shows on Netflix so I wont sound like a smart alec who knows nothing.

    In case of videogames, I dont play Borderlands but when there was a Forum about Borderlands, I watched playthroughs on Youtube and managed to adapt and act like genuine fan of Borderlands. I even studied the lore. Internet is a rabbit hole of informations that you can Google.

    I use to write articles for clients at Upwork and I remember being tasked to write about the Car insurance policies of the State of Nebraska. I never been in Nebraska but with a simple Google search I found all the information I needed and I managed to make the article. The forumwheel is easier because you are not writing an article.

    You dont need to be a highly trained Pastry chef to thrive in a forum about pies. We are now in 2019, You dont need to go to a public library to do your research. One more thing please dont be careless on what you type.

    Another thing, Please dont be insensitive. I had seen people making bigoted posts in some forums like the guy who blames women who dresses sexy as cost of rape. Offensive posts can alienate potential sponsors. We are making fun toxity free communities and not the second coming of 8chan.

    If you want to do well in the forumwheel and make a lot of money, then care about the Forumowners and make them see their money worth spending for you. The more you keep them happy, The more money you will make.
    Kaynil, Alexandoy and Happyflowerlady like this.
  2. Nocturnal Writer

    Nocturnal Writer Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2015
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    This is a very good suggestion. I do subscribe to the various ideas presented here to make the writing site worth its purpose.

    Though it takes time to do some research but it's weighty, very essential to the niche or product/ branf of the site.

    Thanks for pointing this out.
  3. Fergus

    Fergus Member Administrator

    May 11, 2015
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    Just think about this, the happier the forum owners the more money you will make. Their positive reviews will give you more forums to join.
    Kaynil likes this.
  4. Nocturnal Writer

    Nocturnal Writer Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2015
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    I absolutely agree with you. This is a good point of you for it gives a boost to the owner's site and it gives a lift to the integrity of the site.

    Hope this will prod the member/user to do it.

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