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Benefits of Reading

Discussion in 'Education' started by Geofry Nzwili, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Geofry Nzwili

    Geofry Nzwili New Member

    Feb 15, 2022
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    Reading is a valuable skill for acquiring knowledge. Many people do not read widely because of laziness and failure to understand the benefits of reading. Despite the fact that the basic value of reading is acquiring knowledge, there are more benefits that one can gain from reading.

    Reading helps in mounting language skills. One can develop the ability to speak fluently with better language skills if he\she reads more than other people. Especially in articles that have much vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, one is able to structure good sentences better compared to people who read less.

    Reading enhances leisure and helps in gaining general knowledge. During a free time when you are not held up, reading occupies that space and helps you be safe from vices that you would have done due to idleness. This reading during your free time will help you acquire a general knowledge of life that is not taught in class or by other people.

    Through reading, one improves in concentration and focus. Reading will make you concentrate and focus to gain what you intend to understand from a certain article. This will help you be used to concentration and focusing and therefore you will be able to pay attention to many other occasions.

    Reading is a good deed in which we can gain many skills and merits of it. People should be encouraged to read broadly and by so doing our language, speech and grammar will be much upgraded.

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