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Keeping It Under Your Hat: Pros And Cons?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by jonathscliq, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. jonathscliq

    jonathscliq New Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    As one of the unwritten constitutions of life, keeping things secret is something that can make of mar one's life in more ways than one. In terms of business, different forms of relationships- office, business, love life, e.t.c.

    Sometimes, I start imagining a world without secrets- where everyone knows what the other is thinking, doing, an so forth. Where everything is plain, devoid of hide and seeks. Don't get me wrong; I know it's not possible but what do you think of such a world? Will life life really not be interesting?
  2. krious

    krious New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Secrets are made to prevent conflict. If everything is known, I believe it will be a rather chaotic world. However looking at another perspective, if everything is known then no one will think or do anything bad or unwanted. They will all be similar in some way which will definitely be very boring. The thing about life that makes it so interesting is the fact that the people who live it are so complex and different with one another. To uncover the secrets that nature and time has in store for us as well as the many innovations of mankind also makes the world interesting. If everything is known, then there will be no discoveries or inventions. You would know how you live and how you die. The world may be perfect but it will a rather boring world.

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