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Virtual Reality

Discussion in 'Games' started by Olaf, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. Olaf

    Olaf New Member

    Sep 2, 2018
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    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the larger percentage of people here is at least familiar with Virtual Reality (VR). For those who are still in the dark, VR is an artificial computer-generated world that can be experienced and interacted with.

    With an unlimited amount of applications, virtual reality is no longer just for gaming. As this technology becomes more accessible, we see it implemented in many different walks of life. From medicine to education. There is an example of a demo called 'The Body VR', which allows a person to experience what it is like to move through a cell with little informative plaques popping at the sides.

    VR also provides a unique perspective and it can really engage people in ways other mediums won't. This is because you are so immersed in it, you can interact with these objects and see them from a perspective that you never could otherwise. This is especially witnessed in medicine for training purposes, because it is far much better to let trainee doctors loose some virtual bodies rather than real ones.

    Where is virtual reality headed next and what does the future hold for this ever advancing technology?
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
  2. Vheeno

    Vheeno New Member

    Sep 14, 2018
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    Virtual Reality makes you believe that you are in a place where you are actually not there physically. It's like your mind sees things which actually does not exist in reality. Your mind gets stimulated by the system making you consider and feel what the system wants you to see and sense.

    The advancement of our technology has improved the 'VR' with regard to visual and audio aspects. Recently, students from Japan have created a Virtual Reality experience that enables them to make people remember what had happened in Hiroshima when it was devastated by a bomb. It's their way to bring back the history and touch people's lives.

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