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What are the simple ways of healthy living?

Discussion in 'Health' started by DirkZiff, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. mynameisshieldler

    mynameisshieldler New Member

    May 8, 2018
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    I agree, my friend. Being healthy is not just about what you eat, even though that is a big portion. Being healthy is about how you treat your body, meaning what you put into it, and the type of things you put your body through. Most people think being healthy is an expensive and difficult lifestyle. It is really not much different or much more expensive than the way that most people live now. People are just reluctant to make changes in their lives. So these are merely excuses that hold people back from leading healthy lives.

    One thing that can be done to lead a healthier life style is to change the way you eat. Everyone should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and healthy oils and fats. Some people think fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats are more expensive. Sometimes this may be true, but most of the time, you pay for what you get. So if you buy cheap food, with no nutritional value, then it is usually not healthy. If you spend the little extra on your meats, vegetables, and fruits, then in the long run you are doing yourself a favor. Also at many local farmer’s markets you can get fruits and vegetables for a much more discounted price and usually you know your products are pure and natural because they came from a farmer in your community. Another thing you can do to eat healthier is buy from a local butcher. You usually get a better deal if you buy a big portion of an animal and if it’s a local butcher. Then you can know that it is not from a major meatpacking company. This proves that not all healthy food is more expensive.

    Another component to being healthy is exercise. It takes exercise to maintain a healthy body. You should exercise daily, even if it is just for an hour. Exercising keeps the body in shape and youthful. People who exercise also have good strength and are able to perform physical activity for a good amount of time.

    Exercise is also proven to produce endorphins that make you feel better. Some people claim they are too busy to exercise, but there are some simple ways that exercise can be incorporated into a busy life. Some examples are going on walks, pushing children in a stroller, doing pushups and sit ups at home, and stretching. Exercising can be fun if you make it, but anyone can do it without a gym membership.

    Being healthy is also about the choices you make. If you put drugs and alcohol into your body on a regular basis then you are abusing your body. Alcohol is full of empty calories that cause weight gain. This is not a healthy choice. Your body works very hard to keep you healthy so you should not do things that work against your body.

    Another thing anyone can do to maintain a healthy style is take multivitamins. Some people have to take multi vitamin supplement because they are deficient in certain things, but some people take them just to stay ahead and make sure their body is getting the essential vitamins and minerals that they need.

    Having a healthy lifestyle is what you make it. It is not as hard and expensive as people say. It is just people having to change habits and get used to eating healthier. Eating healthy, taking vitamin supplements, and exercising are all part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Katie365

    Katie365 New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    Living a healthy life can be either easy or hard depending on your commitment and drive. I find that people who are most committed to this lifestyle are those that have had a health scare in the past or are having weight issues. However if your are currently healthy and are determined to remain that way then there are many ways to do this.

    First of all add fruits and vegetables to your diet. I don't mean isolating them as one meal but eating them along with your favourite meal. For example when having pancakes for breakfast have a banana with your pancakes. This way you get to enjoy your meal and eat healthy at the same time.

    Secondly exercising regularly. Sticking to an exercise routine can seem like a daunting task but the key to being consistent is starting slowly. Choose exercises that are easy for you and do them everyday rather than a tough workout that you do only once a year.

    Lastly get a medical checkup from your local health clinic. This is important because you never know what illnesses could be preventing you from having the healthy body you deserve.
  3. acewheel001

    acewheel001 New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    There is a saying from St. Augustine, one of the great saints of the Catholic Church, that goes: "Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you are going to die tomorrow." We can see from the saying that there are actually two things or realms that are inextricably linked to each other: our body and our soul, and the business of being healthy is actually a concern for both.

    In taking care of our bodies for example, we need to exercise and eat the right diet, in the same way that spiritually, we need to read spiritual readings and always put the noble thoughts in our minds like the true, the good, and the beautiful. In exercising, we take long walks or go to the gym or simply do simple calisthenics at home or at the workplace; spiritually speaking, we need to pray both our personal prayers and the formula prayers set forth by our church like the Our Fathers and Hail Marys and this we can practically do at the church or in other places . In doing physical exercises, we build not just the muscles found in our limbs but we also strenghten the muscles of our heart, so that it can pump blood more effectively; in our spiritual self, we need to build our character by strengthening our virtues like being prudent, balanced, persevering and just, so that we can have the determination or the heart to function better as children of God in our family, workplace, and society as a whole.

    Rememeber that we are not just composed of bodies, we also have spirits or souls that animate us, or make our bodies alive. Being healthy therefore can be summed up into this great latin saying: " Mens sana in corpore sano" - A healthy mind in a healthy body.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  4. mariaberry

    mariaberry New Member

    Jul 14, 2018
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    When I read the title of the thread, a smile automatically forms into my face. Because yes, there are simple ways on how to live and stay healthy but those simple ways are just so hard to do, to follow and to maintain as an everyday routine. But when you are so eager to live physically healthy, you'll do everything just to achieve it. And here's my version simple ways on how to be healthy.

    1. Sleep early. Yes you have to go to bed early as you can. It is true that when you got 8-10 hours of sleep, you'll look fresh and glowing. The radiance of your beauty is different, it is really natural.
    2. Drink plenty of water. Just like the effects of sleeping early, drinking a lot of water will eliminate the wastes that is being deposite on your body.
    3. Eat fruits and vegetables. Yes, always eat green and leafy vegetables so that you can have a good and toned body structure and frame.
    4. Avoid processed foods. It is a fact also that we must avoid eating processed foods like hotdogs, bacon and all. Because there are preservative added on it and it is very unhealthy for us.
    5. Have a regular exercise. It is the finale of all. Because even you are watching out your food intake it will never be effective if you will not undergo exercise.

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