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What are your thoughts on abortion, and why?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by rcoop, May 17, 2020.


Pro-choice or Pro-life?

  1. Pro-choice

  2. Pro-life

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  1. rcoop

    rcoop New Member

    May 17, 2020
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    I'm personally pro-choice, and I doubt that I will ever change that. I believe that it's important to allow women to make choices for themselves and their own situations, and that those decisions have nothing to do with me. However, I'd like to hear what your opinions are!
  2. lgund77

    lgund77 New Member

    May 27, 2020
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    United States
    I am pro-choice as well. I believe everyone should have a choice as to whether or not they want a child. I am going to liken this scenario to veganism to better explain my point- it may seem strange, but hear me out. I am vegan and I have been for awhile now. I am somewhat of a stereotypical vegan; I do tell people what's wrong with a meat and dairy diet. That does not mean they have to change; it does not mean that I expect them to. I believe they should have a choice, whether I agree with it or not.

    I personally would choose not to have an abortion, but I would never not let someone else have that option. Everyone should have their own choice, regardless of if others agree with it. Personal freedom is one of the basic rights we all (should) have, and this is a perfect example of it.

    However, the argument could be made that the issue of abortion is not a personal choice since it is the killing of another human. You are taking away their desire to live, without giving them a choice. To me, this is actually quite a compelling argument and something I am still considering. It is just food for thought.
  3. Jennifer Steele

    Jennifer Steele New Member

    Sep 24, 2020
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    Crystal River florida
    I believe in pro choice. Most of my life I was against the choice of abortion in every means but then the day came when I found a means which is was the right choice. A lesson was learned on the day I choose to have the procedure. I now clearly understood why people said "never say never" and I concluded that "there's a right to every wrong and a wrong to every right". Had I chosen to have the child I would have suffered physically due to my back injury , I would increase probability of losing my mobility. Two other children would get less food, clothes, toys, attention, time, security, and much more if I had brought my second child into my son's and step daughters life. A third child would have suffered a six year brutal divorce, which two still carry scars as adults today. Finally had I had a brought that child into this world I would have caused 3 children to go without the things needed to grow into good human beings. By choosing to terminate my pregnancy I stopped a cycle of pain and suffering from beginning. As statistics show children who suffered from neglect or just minimal care make unhealthy decisions as adults, they tend to bare children young and the same upbringing seems to repeat and the cycle continues. Instead I stopped a vicious cycle and was able to give my son a better chance to create a life worth living.
    Up to the moment of the procedure I was against the choice but the second it was done I was at peace cause my decision was made upon saving multiple lives, which had already begone by sacrificing one that hasn't. Honestly, I have never regretted my decision not even for a second. I also knew I would make other decisions before my life fell into that situation again.
    Unfortunately most procedures are done out of a source of birth control which I find troublesome, but by making it pro life you strip the right of the one that could be saving many lives by sacrificing one.
  4. Sophia Talamo

    Sophia Talamo New Member

    Oct 13, 2020
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    531 Beau Chene Drive
    I personally believe in pro-life. The second the egg is fertilized, life has begun. A fetal heartbeat during pregnancy can begin as early as 6 weeks after gestation. I can not possibly comprehend how people think of this young life as a "clump of cells". This is a live human being! I respect women and their choices, but there are other choices than abortion. Abortion is the elimination of a living and breathing human being. This human can grow up to be something great one day, and their life can so easily be terminated by someone that makes the wrong choice. An adoption is a possible option is the woman can not take care of the baby. I know that people believe that a woman who is raped has the right to abort the fetus. They have the right to, but it is not a moral choice. It is disgusting that a man should do this to someone. I should know because the same happened to me. But, it is important to not terminate this young life. It is not the child's fault of what happened. And since pregnancy has occurred, this baby has the right to his/her life. I believe in the right to life, no matter the circumstances.
  5. Jennifer Steele

    Jennifer Steele New Member

    Sep 24, 2020
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    Crystal River florida
    I once stood in that position and I felt just as you described it.. There is always another choice, and I still believe there is another choice. Where you speak of a child being born into this world and becoming something and going thru the adoptions procedures is a situation we all wish unfolded more times than not. Unfortunately the foster care system is overloaded, workers aren't always the people whom should be there, and adoption could take years. If a child is born with a disability for example the baby is less likely to be carried off into the perfect world you speak of. Even in the chance the baby is adopted immediately that doesn't go without difficulties either, there are still numerous negative possibilities for one to experience. .
    You hear stories all the time about the abuse foster children have had to suffer from their care givers. Just as an example.. So yes there is your chance to have that perfect world but today's day in age I can't say it's more one side or the other but the odds aren't good. A child who has suffered at any length of time ends up toting the world around on their shoulders for a good period of their lives.. Trouble children don't recover easily from the abuse, the NEGLECT and or from the abandonment issues they acquired over the years, ( which is felt regardless how great adopted parents are, the child wonders why his parents didn't want them). A child lacks the ability to heal or understand their lives beginning until well in to their adult hood.. These children who don't get help turn into the troubled adult who doesn't believe they need help and usually ends up colliding with the perfect world and devastating the perfect family by their heartless actions and lack of remorse.
    Now don't get me confused all of these are scenarios and may not occur for this baby or maybe not the next one but you can be sure it will be another's ones reality @t some point. A life which has not begun to know what suffering is, is a life that only knows what suffering is not and if keeping that life from being the one who ends up in my scenario I feel they may be better off. Especially if that baby was the 3rd or 4th child being born to 2 irresponsible parents. Now you have 3 baby's being taught, being raised along with neglected and abused, whom suffer thru their adolescents eventually just wishing they hadn't been born or they are left wondering what they did do to deserve this life. Statistically speaking Out of the three, 1 stands a chance to heal and grow and move forward but with that 2 will carry the scars and wounds throughout their life leaving chaos every where they go.. Innocent people become their victims and could ultimately take the lives of someone else due to their childhood nightmare..
    If I feel I'm going to eliminate the possibility of baring a child to suffer as themselves and then forcing it on others, yes mame I'd rather save it and the others who would have been effected, by aborting it.
    Until your there in such shoes you really never know. But I once wore your shoes until I found myself walking in one similar to the situation I just mentioned and my choice had to change. I made my choice and have never regretted it for a second. Because I saved my step daughter and my son from being neglected not by choice. But inability. I was then able to raise the children we had with morals and ethics and confidence because my attention was enough and not stretched between three of them ( not that it can't be done but I worked full time and was earning my bachelor's full time online. Ultimately our lives are no more important than another's but the sacrifice of one before it even knew sacrifice was smarter for us and the rest world I felt. To remain feeling right about my choice I swore I would do everything in my power to not to put myself where such choices would even become an option.

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