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Why is the Universe Asymmetric?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by casper0v, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. casper0v

    casper0v New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    If something should be logical, and physics ought to be, we shouldn't exist in the first place.

    But fact of life is, we do exist, or I wouldn't be able to write this post.

    No matter how many times we turn stuff upside down and look at this universe from different angles (or all of them at once), the universe is asymmetric. For instance, right after Big Bang, there was slightly more
    matter than anti-matter. Why?

    I know that physicists are looking at the neutrino for answers. I hardly see how this can possibly answer the question. It just push the question further away, it doesn't avoid it:

    No matter how we look at stuff, no matter whatever answers the neutrino's (or any other particle's) hidden secrets would reveal to us, it still cannot explain this illogical fact of life, that there is slightly more of something, than of something else.

    It is the same that accounts for the entropy. No matter how perfect stuff is, the fact that the universe could evolve to form stars, planets and eventually life on Planet Earth, is due to slightly little tiny imperfection (again, asymmetry is playing with us) from the very beginning.

    A 100 % perfect start can never and will never EVER become imperfect without an external force or intervention if you will.

    This to me, suggest that our universe came from something else. And saying "it came from another universe" is not satisfying enough. Because we can always ask what created that universe? That pre-universe would need to have some asymmetry and entropy as well, which our universe inherited.

    I believe this question cannot be answered by science.
    We need philosophy to explain how something can arise from nothing, and why it is logical that asymmetry can arise from symmetry without external forces if you will.
  2. JimGoodman

    JimGoodman New Member

    May 9, 2016
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    Hello Casper0v! Thе univеrsе is vеry сlоsе tо isоtrоpiс, hоmоgеnоus, аnd symmеtriсаl, but nоt quitе. It's quitе а puzzlе. Vаriоus ехplаnаtiоns, suсh аs smаll quаntum fluсtuаtiоns in thе еаrly univеrsе, hаvе bееn suggеstеd. Thе inflаtiоnаry pеriоd sееms tо hаvе smооthеd оut а lоt, but nоt аll.I'vе bееn thinking аlоng diffеrеnt linеs: pасking. This is sоmеthing thаt I'vе gоttеn intо аrgumеnts а lоt оvеr thе yеаrs. Thrее dimеnsiоns hаvе соnstrаints. Lеt's sаy yоu wаnt tо pасk sphеrеs аs соmpасtly аs pоssiblе. Еvеrybоdy knоws thе аnswеr–а tеtrаhеdrаl grid, right? Niсе аnd rеgulаr аnd symmеtriс. Wеll, nо. Thаt оnly wоrks fоr infinitе Е3. Оnсе yоu gеt tо pасking асtuаl shаpеs, it dоеsn't prоvidе аn оptimum.

    Lеt's sаy yоu wаnt tо pасk sphеrеs intо а biggеr sphеrе. Оptimаl sоlutiоns аrе up tо, if mеmоry sеrvеs, аbоut 300 оr 350 sphеrеs, but thеy'rе аll jumblеd up. Mоrе thаn thаt, аnd it's just а соmplеtе mеss.

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