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You have a Talent

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by blezzino, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. blezzino

    blezzino New Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    1. Talent can be defined as a natural aptitude or skill.
    2. We can also say talent is a special ability that allows someone to do something well
    3. Everyone has talent. What's rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.
    4. Talents may be artistic or technical, mental or physical, personal or social.
    5. You can be a talented introvert or a talented extrovert. Your talents need not be profitable, useful, or conventional,
    6. But they will always be your own, a part of what makes you into you.
    7. Learning to look for your talents in the right places and building those talents into skills and abilities might take some work,
    8. but going about it creatively will let you explore your natural abilities and find your innate talents
    9. Talent born or made? It is a “natural endowment” of a person—so we’re all born with our talents.
    10. It’s up to us to grow and develop them, but the seeds are in us at birth.
    11. If you can determine what your talents are, you can tap into an amazing resource that can help you in every aspect of your life, including your business.
    12. Whether you are searching for the perfect type of business to open or you want to find ways to grow the one you have, you may find the answer in your personal talents
    13. How to discover my Talent? Stop waiting for talents to appear.
    14. You can’t know if you’ve got a talent for guitar if you never try to play guitar. Find a talent that seems cool and learn everything you can about it.
    15. Find out what it takes and see what you've got. If you never try, you'll never know. You’re not going to find a talent without trying.
    16. You can only find your natural abilities, skills, and talents when you test your mettle and actively seek new experiences.
    17. Face down obstacles and seek out challenges to see what innate skills and abilities you might be hiding.
    18. Listen to others. You may be clueless about your talent, but your friends aren’t. So ask them.
    19. People around you usually know what your talents are, even when you don’t, because when they need something done well—you’re the one they’re always asking, or sending their friends to
    20. Try things that are easy. What comes naturally to you? What do you do without thinking? What do you love?
    21. Look to your obsessions and your interests for the possibility of talent. What comes easily to you? Focus on the talents you do have by focusing on what comes easiest to you.
    22. Try things that are hard. Does the stage frighten you, or maybe public speaking? Writing a story and finishing it? Grab the mic and put pen to paper.
    23. Do what scares you. What would be your bucket list talent? What would you love to be naturally good at, without trying? Face down big challenges and find out what it takes to be good at them
    24. Keep track of little successes.
    25. If you're feeling talentless, maybe it's because you've been missing out on your own successes.
    26. Try to pay close attention to successes, both little and big, to identify things for which you might have a natural talent.
    27. Think creatively about how these little successes might connect to more significant talents and abilities.
    28. Get a mentor to help you: on lean to lean on someone’s shoulder.
    29. If I have gone far in life it’s because I lean on shoulder of someone ahead of me
    30. Talent is a tenant in the house owned by genius
    31. Think about it: so many people are in jobs they hate because they haven't found that one true passion.
    32. They are good at a few things so that's what they do here and there, but they aren't sure what that one big thing they want to do forever could be.
    33. Here is my message: stop doing stuff you hate. Nail down your strengths so you can discover your passion.
    34. Read Everything Now, I know this is a very grey world. Get firsthand knowledge about your talent
    35. Note that a man’s gift makes way for him even create space for him in the face of limitations and struggles of life.

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