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You suddenly reborn an orphan in Germany in 1900

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by QuickSilverD, May 7, 2017.

  1. QuickSilverD

    QuickSilverD New Member

    May 7, 2017
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    You see your consciousness jerked back in time, suddenly you're in a place you don't recognize, some sort of building, someone is holding you in their arms, you look you and see... a nun? you try to speak but you can't, words don't come out. She places a bottle in your mouth, it is soothing and warm, so very delicious. You hear her voice, she is singing you a lullaby, it is very calming.

    As you drink from the bottle suddenly you catch a glimpse of a mirror nearby and see your reflection: you are a baby, small, fragile, literally toothless and yet you remember your old life, all your memories still there, all your wisdom and knowledge.

    You don't know it yet, but you will soon discover when and where you are, Germany in 1900, fourteen years before World War 1, you know this, you are the only one who knows this.

    So what happens to you know? Do you try to change history, would you even know what is coming if you get send back right now. Will you join the army, will you try to change the outcome, maybe even prevent it.

    Or perhaps you'll use your superior knowledge to invent computers and become rich and famous, do you even know what transistors are made of?

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